CellDesigner Inquiry: info at
The Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo, Japan
E-Mail: info at
CellDesigner Inquiry: info at
The Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo, Japan
E-Mail: info at
Akira Funahashi (funa at, Ph.D. in Computer Science, is an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Biosciences and Informatics at Keio University. He was previously a researcher in the Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, JST ERATO-SORST. and the SBI. His research interests include the areas of computational biology, systems biology, interconnection networks, and parallel processing.
Akiya Jouraku, Ph.D. in Computer Science, was a Research Assistant in the Dept. of Biosciences and Informatics at Keio University, Japan. He is a developer of libSBML and KEGG2SBML.
Norihiro Kikuchi of Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co. Ltd.
Samik Ghosh, Ph.D. in Computer Science, of SBI
Yukiko Matsuoka (myukiko at,
SBI , former member of Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, JST ERATO-SORST,
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