CellDesigner Help

Open a Model

To open a model

  1. Select File - Open menu or press Ctrl + O.
  2. Specify the file to open.
  3. Error / Warning messages

    When you open a model in CellDesigner, CellDesigner run SBML/CellDesigner file consistency checks.

    Check the contents of the error message and fix the model accordingly if necessary.


    libSBML Consistency Check

    When you open a model in CellDesigner, CellDesigner run SBML consistency check using libSBML.

    Check the contents of the error message and fix the model accordingly if necessary.


    line 7035 [Error(MathML Consistency)] : The MathML formulas in the following elements must yield numeric expressions: 'math' in <kineticLaw>, 'stoichiometryMath' in <speciesReference>, 'math' in <initialAssignment>, 'math' in <assignmentRule>, 'math' in <rateRule>, 'math' in <algebraicRule>, and 'delay' in <event>, and 'math' in <eventAssignment>. (References: L2V2 Sections 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13; L2V3 Sections 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13; L2V4 Sections 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13)
    The formula '' in the math element of the KineticLaw does not return a numeric result.s

    If you open your model (ex. your_model.xml) in your favorite text editor, you might see your model written in SBML (XML) format.
    Then please navigate to line 7035 in the model, there you will see


    block around line 7035. Just remove the above block, and then it might solve your problem.
    We suggest you to create a backup of your model before doing this fix.



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