CellDesigner Help

Connecting SBW 2.3.1a and CellDesigner 2.2
(July 25, 2005)

Q if have installed Systems Biology Workbench 2.3.1a and CellDesigner 2.2 on WINXP. According to the documentation it should be possible to run the SBW simulation and analysis tools from Cell Designer, but I haven't found any way to do that.

A. Please try the following step.

  1. Find out "SBWCore.jar" which will be installed by SBW-2.3.1.
    By default, it will be installed to
    C:/Program Files/KGI/SBW-2.3.1/bin/SBWCore.jar
  2. Copy the above "SBWCore.jar" and paste it to the CellDesigner's library folder.
    By default, it will be located at
    C:/Program Files/CellDesigner2.2/lib/sbw/
  3. Windows will ask you to overwrite the previous "SBWCore.jar", so just accept the overwrite.
  4. Relaunch CellDesigner and open your SBML model, and click
    [SBW] -> [Simulation Service] menu.

c.f. Connecting SBW 2.0 and CellDesigner 2.0

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