CellDesigner Help

Find a Species

To find a Species

  1. In the Menu, select Component - Find Species or press [Ctrl] + F.
  2. Find Species dialog will pop-up.
    "Find Species" dialog
  3. Type in a search word in search textbox.
  4. A Complex id or name can be used as a search word.

  5. Click Find.
  6. If a Species with the specified id or name is found, its SpeciesAlias will be highlighted in the Draw Area.
  7. If there are more than one match found, press Next or Prev button to select the other items. If the they are not on the Draw Area, the page will automatically scroll to show them.
  8. If you press Show All button, all the matched SpeciesAliases will be highlighted in the Draw Area.

Convention of the Species name
The name may include some reserved words enclosed by the underscores.
e.g. If you search with the pattern "_alpha_", then the Species whose name include "_alpha_" will be matched.

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