CellDesigner Help

Select a Compartment

You should select the target CompartmentAlias before you edit, move, delete, modify it.
Note that the CompartmentAlias retain the relation of inclusion with SpeciesAliases or other CompartmentAliases inside. So when you select a CompartmentAlias, the components related to it are also highlighted.

To select a CompartmentAlias:

  1. Confirm that Select Mode icon is highlighted. If not, click the arrow icon in the Toolbar.
    Secelt Mode icon
  2. The status is called Select Mode when the arrow icon is selected.

  3. Click the target CompartmentAlias.
  4. The CompartmentAlias selected is hilighted in red.
  5. When the CompartmentAlias has some SpeciesAliases or other CompartmentAliases inside, they will become dimmed and unselectable. This implies that, when the containing CompartmentAlias is moved, they will follow it.

To select multiple CompartmentAliases:

  1. Press [Shift] key while clicking the target CompartmentAliases one by one.
  2. You cannot select a CompartmentAlias and ones contained in it at the same time.
    For example, if c1 includes c2, you cannot select c1 and c2 simultaneously. When c1 is selected, c2 will be protected and unselectable. This is to avoid the unintentional logical discrepancy which would be caused when you select c1, forget to select c2 and try to move them. By automatically moving c2 along with c1, c2 never goes out of the c1 boundary. (Thus, c2 is always logically included in c1.) When you try to select both a containing and a contained CompartmentAliases, the selection will be switched to the one you select last.

To release a selected CompartmentAlias:

  1. While the SpeciesAlias is being selected (highlighted in color),
    click on the target while pressing [Shift] key.
  2. You can only release the CompartmentAlias you click on.
    If you have selected multiple CompartmentAliases, the rest of the selected items remain as selected.

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