CellDesigner Help

Change Amount for Simulation

In order to simulate the time course of "Species" resulting from forced expression of a gene/genes on a certain time, "ControlPanel" implements the "Change amount" functionality. By this functionality you can run a simulation with the amount of "Species" changed to a desired value on a specific time.

To run simulation changing the amount for Species at specific time:

  1. Click the "Change amount" tab.
  2. Check the "Change amount" checkbox.
  3. Input the amount of "Species" corresponding to the time specified at the header of the rows in the change amount matrix.
  4. Click the “Execute” button.

    The change amount matrix can be edited by external software such as MS Excel by exporting the matrix to a CSV file. The CSV file edited outside can be imported to “ControlPanel”.

To export and import the Change amount matrix:

  1. Select "Export" from the "Data" menu.
  2. Enter a file name and click the "Save" button.
    (A CSV file will be created with the specified file name.)
  3. Open the CSV file using other software such as MS Excel, edit values, and save them.
  4. Select "Import" from the "Data" menu.
  5. Select the file that you have just edited and click the "Open" button.

    e.g. an example of .CSV file exported from Control Panel.
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