CellDesigner Help

Load a plugin

To load a sample plugin

  1. In the CellDesigner installed directory, copy the file "\samples\plugin\jar\sample_plugin.jar" into "\plugin\" directory .
  2. In the "\plugin\" directory, you will find the file "MappingArrayMass_plugin.jar" which has been copied during the installation.

    "Mapping Array Math" plugin

  3. Launch CellDesigner.
  4. In the Menu, click Plugin.
  5. Verify that the plugin you have just added is listed.

To use Sample Plugin1

Sample Plugin1 creates a new Generic Protein and places it on the specified position on the Draw Area. It also obtains information (name, id, x- and y- coordinates) from an existing Component on the Draw Area.

  1. In the Menu, click Plugin, and select Sample Plugin1, then Open Sample Plugin1 dialog.
  2. Species Information dialog opens.
  3. When no model is open in the Draw Area, the New Document dialog will open first. After clicking OK, the Species Information dialog will appear. This is a common procedure for the other plugins as well as ”Sample Plugin1”.

  4. Type in values in Name, X, and Y textboxes.
  5. Click ADD to draw a new Generic Protein.
  6. Or, select an existing Component in the Draw Area and click GET to obtain the name, id, X-, and Y-coordinate.

CellDesigner Plugin Tutorial can be found under the directory "\documents\" of your CellDesigner installed directory.

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