CellDesigner Help

Export Lists to CSV file

CellDesigner can export the contents of the list, such as Species, Reactions, into .CSV file.

To Export List to CSV file

  1. While a file is open, select a tab in the List Area, for example, Species tab.
  2. Select File - Export List to CSV... in the Menu.
  3. Export Setting dialog will appear.
  4. Select attributes to be exported.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save dialog will popup.
  7. CellDesigner specifies the file name as "(filename)_(tab name).csv".
    e.g. if you select the file called "sample" and the tab "Species", the csv file name will be "sample_species.csv".
  8. Specify the directory you want to save the csv file, then click Save button.
  9. .csv file is saved in the specified directory.

You can open the csv file with other application such as Microsoft Excel.

You can swap the position of the columns of the list. To swap the columns, simply drag the title to move the position.

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